In the quest for increasing the quality of life, mankind has with their ingenuity, created a wide array of invention. But in the process of doing so, it has also created a host of environmental problems which ironically compromise our quality of life. Pollution is one such concern. The increased awareness of pollution and the need to curb it, people are now being actively encouraged to use green products, which means products that are friendly to our mother nature. Eighteen years ago, Yat Ngai Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. (YN SOLAR) realized this and had sought to develop Hybrid Solar Water Heater system (trademark pending) which makes full use of the most natural and cleanest energy source; Our sun. Our system has been widely used in residential and commercial premises that require hot water supply. Hybrid Solar Water Heater utilizes solar energy is to heat up water hence, minimizing the use of electricity. Our system is cleaner, greener and much more cost effective than any other system in the market.

To enhance our customer satisfaction, our product was sent for SIRIM testing and was certified by SIRIM for product quality and durability in year 1996.
Year 1998, YN Solar 18 was awarded the Malaysia Good Design Mark by the Malaysia Design Council and in the year 2000, YN Solar 8 won the same award.
In the year 2005, YN Solar was awarded as the winner of “The 4th Asia Pacific / Malaysia e-Entrepreneur Excellent Award 2005” under the category of Excellent Brand
To Further Enhance our product quality, Yat Ngai Manufacturing Sdn. Bhd. had been awarded ISO 9001:2008 on June, 2007 by DQS GmbH. At the same year, YN Solar had started their business of Solar Powered Products ( such as Solar Lighting, Solar Garden Light and Customize Solar Product) and manufacture at Bukit Tengah factory.
Our Solar Powered Products is a system to power the product by using the sun to provide the electricity instead of the traditional way of using power stations to light up streetlight. It had been used in some countries for many years already. It basically works on the photovoltaic effect, from direct sunlight being converted into electricity. By storing the electricity generated into batteries, together with an intelligent charge regulator, the solar Powered Products can be mounted use at any places with immediate operation.
We hope we can help to preserve our mother nature by our product.
